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register for BHF10PP!

September 14, 2010

Ready, kids? Let’s do it. The #BHF10PP registration kicks off today.

Exciting, isn’t it?

Just follow this link to enter your Twitter name, website, and a post that shows you at your very best. This is all about building community and awareness of just how great we, the unwashed masses, truly are.

You can also share your name (or make one up if that excites you).

The Official BlogHer ’10 Pity Party Registration Page!

why register?

For self-promotion and great prizes. Why else?

(No email addresses are required to register. I don’t want the spam bots hitting you up. We have enough problems on our own.)

If you have questions, post them below. Otherwise, let the registration begin! You have until 9 October 2010, the last day of #BHF, to register.

From → registration

  1. I just registered! Ready to join in on the snark and wallowing. 🙂

  2. Just registered. Let the PP begin!

  3. Wendy permalink

    I definitely can’t go so let the pity party begin! Waa!!

  4. I can’t attend the conference and I don’t even have a twitter account! How pathetic am I? 😉 But I’ll be participating in the PP in spirit.

    • Awww, join Twitter and join the Pity Party! It’ll be so much fun and sadness.

  5. I’m going to wallow in self-pity for not being able to be there! I’ll have plenty of time to do so on my 10 HOUR CAR RIDE FOR A FOOTBALL GAME. BLAH!! 😦

  6. All registered let the party and all the pity start!

  7. I’ve registered and am also doing a custom tile/trivet giveaway to help cheer everybody up 🙂 Look for it.

  8. I just registered and ready to start the boohooing!

  9. Totally sad. And yet not alone.

  10. Can’t wait to sound sad and a wee pathetic with people who share our pain!

  11. I registered. I don’t even know if I’m cool enough for the pity party though. I might just be THAT sad. LOL

  12. I just signed up since I sold the ticket I just bought! It’s going to be a very sad weekend in October! 😦 Boo hoo!

  13. Woohoo I’m registered! what a great idea. 🙂

  14. I am registered and on board the pity party!

  15. Just Registered!!! I feel better already! 🙂

  16. Not only are all my friends going to BHF, but they’re all going to SF, my favorite place. Ever. Tears streaming.

  17. I am registered and am still not feeling any happier than before. I will stuff myself with more cake and cry a little more (sniffle, sniffle).

  18. Oh my gosh–I just found this today. So can I start a pity party for those who missed the BHFPP? Wahhhhh!!!

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. the prizes. hold on tight. « #BHF10PP – The Pity Party for the sad people who can't attend BlogHer Food '10, 8-9 October
  2. Wild Hibiscus Flower Cocktails for Friday!

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